School Technology
As Edmonton Public Schools and the world start to look ahead at what it means to be a 21st century learner, we have taken steps to give our students the skills they will need to solve 21st century problems!
Through wireless Internet in the school, laptops, netbooks as well as SMART boards we will bring the world into the classroom at the click of a button.
Parent Resources
Alberta Education has some great resources for parents:
My Child's Learning
The province has developed a resource to teach parents about the potential risks that their childen may be exposed to while using the Internet. Internet Savvy provides parents and caregivers with practical tools and tips to protect their children online. For this and other helpful resources for adults, teens and children on safer internet habits, visit:
Internet Bullying How to stay safe
Parent Link Centre is an Alberta Government program which provides information and support for parents and caregivers on how to assist with your child's learning, development and health. At the Parent Link you will find valuable information about locating and choosing child care, various child health issues, communication, discipline and a special section entitled Ages and Stages.
Student School Supply Lists for 2024-2025
2024-2025 Supply List for Kindergarten
2024-2025 Supply List for Grade 1
2024-2025 Supply List for Grade 2
2024-2025 Supply List for Grade 3
2024-2025 Supply List for Grade 4
2024-2025 Supply List for Grade 5
2024-2025 Supply List for Grade 6
Note: Our agenda books are being provided courtesy of our YPAA. Thank you!