York Parent Advisory
The York School Council and York Parent Advisory Association have been an integral and supportive part of the school community at York School. The educational programs have become richer and more vibrant through the efforts of their hard work. They sponsor field trips and purchase educational materials and program supports that are valuable in the education of the global citizens of the future.
School Council/PAC
School Councils play an important role by providing advice and assistance to school principals and trustees regarding educational issues. Involvement on these councils includes:
- focusing on educational matters
- providing input on various matters such as program planning, school budgets, and school operations
- serving as a liaison between parents, the school, and community groups
- locating resources such as speakers and volunteers
- gathering information and sharing experiences
- supporting the goals and objectives of the school
The York School Council is a very important part of our school. School Council supports and facilitates communication between home, school and the community. We encourage you to become actively involved in School Council so that you can develop an excellent understanding of your child's education and provide valuable input to the school.
York Parent Advisory Association:
The YPAA meeting follows School Council. The YPPA sets out a fundraising platform each school year.